February 25, 2019 – Between April 6 and April 7 of this year, there will be a GPS Week Number Rollover event, which could impact some GPS positioning and timing systems. This event could affect the ability of certain GPS-based navigation systems to provide accurate timing and, in some cases, position data during and after the rollover event.
More information on the issue can be found here.
STC Inc. has been a leader in novel applications of GPS and GNSS positioning for decades. Consistent with our striving for maximum reliability, we have forged a strong long-term partnership with a top GPS-navigation provider. Our provider has issued a statement of compliance regarding the upcoming Week Number Rollover Event to confirm they will continue providing high-accuracy, high-reliability GNSS timing and positioning during and after the rollover event. The issued compliance statement covers every GPS receiver module in an STC Incorporated and EMTRAC product manufactured since 2006.
With our provider’s compliance statement in mind, we are confident EMTRAC vehicle equipment will continue to acquire and maintain accurate timing and position, regardless of the GPS Week Number Rollover event, and without requiring hardware changes or product replacement.
We look forward to serving our distributors, customers, and communities without interruption through April 2019 and beyond.
—The STC, Incorporated Engineering Team
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