Pedestrian Safety

While the number of traffic fatalities has decreased in the past ten years, the number of pedestrian fatalities has actually increased—highlighting an area of where significant improvement can be made. Additionally, the majority of pedestrian fatalities occur at non-intersections (71%) versus intersections with pedestrian crossings (19%).

The EMTRAC System provides a non-intrusive way to enhance your pedestrian signaling systems and to encourage crosswalk usage—both key elements for increasing safety and accessibility.

The EMTRAC System does not require costly intersection-hardware installation and can utilize NTCIP 1211 protocol standards to enable communication with traffic controllers

Data provided by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

  • Cost Effective / Multi-Use: Because this system utilizes traffic-cabinet mounted Priority Detectors, which are also be used to detect transit and first-response vehicles, much of the cost may be shared by other municipal or regional agencies.
  • Accessibility: Maintains compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by allowing user interaction though visual-touch or voice-communication interface.
  • Communications: Wayside Priority Detectors are equipped with 100 MB Ethernet ports and may receive commands from other agency vehicles using standard or custom protocols. Priority Detectors are also NTCIP ready and may act as DSRC pass-through components.
  • System Security: The EMTRAC system has several different layers of protection, and all transmitted data is encrypted using the latest encryption algorithms.
  • Data Friendly: The app is optimized to reduce data usage based on a number of factors, such as proximity to intersections and the amount of mobile-device movement. Data transmissions from the device are small, and update frequency is configurable so data usage can be kept low.
  • Flexibility: Intersections may be installed on an ongoing basis to allow for budget and time constraints. As additional intersections are added, the in-app map updates the available intersections to highlight desired pedestrian routes.

Pedestrian Accessibility

As cities strive to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), many intersections still fall short. The ADA requires that State and local governments “communicate effectively” with people who have communication disabilities, and provide “auxiliary aids and services” when needed to communicate effectively with people who have disabilities.

The EMTRAC Pedestrian app is designed as an auxiliary aid and service to enable people with vision, hearing, or speech disabilities to recognize pedestrian signals and request crossing signals.


EMTRAC System video demonstrations of EMTRAC System capabilities, including Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), Transit Signal Priority (TSP), transit rail safety, vehicle detection, and signal management.

Intelligent Signal Management  -  1:13