EMTRAC System Software

Transit and first-response agencies are able to take full control of their priority system by utilizing the EMTRAC software.

This software includes EMTRAC Systems Manager, which is used to configure all of the components of the EMTRAC system. It is where you define the vehicles, intersections, and zones that will be utilized for your priority system—and where you specify how the vehicle and wayside equipment will respond in different scenarios. While the EMTRAC system is relatively simple to set up, it is also robust enough to handle complex applications.

EMTRAC Central Monitor is an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) service that displays precise vehicle activity and much more. Additional Central Monitor capabilities are listed in the tabs below.

Central Monitor Real-Time Activity Map
  • Map display of city streets, showing location and activity for all equipped vehicles.
  • Ability to monitor vehicle “events” by user-definable types. For example, when used to monitor light rail activity, the system can be set up to log stop-bar overruns.
  • Audible and pop-up alarms notify control center personnel of critical events (such as a light rail vehicle on the wrong tracks).
  • Automatically generate user-definable reports, which can be automatically archived and/or emailed at defined intervals
  • Verify proper system functionality by monitoring signal-controller responses to priority requests.
  • Remotely check EMTRAC system diagnostics to verify proper functionality.
  • Detect and confirm proper rail crossing-gate closure. If a gate fails to close, an alarm may be sent to the control center and vehicle driver.
  • Ease of Monitoring: Know where equipped vehicles are in real time.
  • Low-Maintenance: Reliable vehicle positioning and RF communication requires no in-ground loops or costly switches.
  • Reporting: Generate detailed status and activity reports, as well as connectivity reports.
  • Safety: Alert monitoring personnel about potentially unsafe vehicle activity in real time.
  • Flexibility: Customize detection zones and necessary parameters to transmit desired vehicle activity data.
  • Timeliness: Improve schedule adherence and emergency response times by requesting signal priority when agency-specified conditions are met.
  • Security: Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum radio signal has expansive range and utilizes AES encryption.
  • Accuracy: Monitor vehicle activity with precise and current location data.


EMTRAC System video demonstrations of EMTRAC System capabilities, including Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), Transit Signal Priority (TSP), transit rail safety, vehicle detection, and signal management.

Intelligent Signal Management  -  1:13