EMTRAC Transit Signal Priority (TSP)

The EMTRAC system utilizes reliable GPS technology and secure frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio to enable both transit bus and rail vehicles to request priority through signalized intersections.

Vehicles with the EMTRAC system transmit a priority request to equipped intersections when passing through detection zones. The intersection-control cabinet contains an EMTRAC Priority Detector, which relays the priority-request to the signal controller.

EMTRAC is completely automatic and requires no driver interaction. In addition, EMTRAC can be configured to allow priority control based on time of day, route-schedule adherence, passenger load, direction traveled, or other factors.

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Signal Priority without Traffic Disruption
Right Turn from Dedicated BRT Lane - Monterrey, MX

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

The EMTRAC system is uniquely capable of helping buses take full advantage of existing BRT features while helping transit agencies implement a high-quality transit system that delivers fast, comfortable, and cost-effective urban mobility.[1]

The EMTRAC system enhances the following essential features that define BRT”[2] —without requiring additional hardware:

Dedicated Right-of-Way and Busway Alignment: EMTRAC-equipped vehicles are able to automatically open entrance gates to dedicated BRT lanes.

Off-Board Fare Collection: Vehicles may request signal priority at near-side stops (depending on door status) or while approaching far-side stops (depending on stop-request status).

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Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)

The EMTRAC Central Monitoring System enables supervisory personnel to remotely monitor bus activity and progress in real time.

With EMTRAC AVL (automatic vehicle location), equipped buses automatically transmit location and activity data to network-connected EMTRAC detectors in wayside cabinets. This data is displayed on central workstation monitors, showing vehicle movement on a map in real-time. It is also recorded in detailed logs for later review.

The vehicle and wayside components used for this system are the same as those used for basic EMTRAC EVP/TSP functionality, making it both a simple and cost-effective way to implement an accurate and reliable AVL system.

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Transit Data Analytics

The EMTRAC Data Analytics package comprises a suite of data-analytics tools for traffic and transit practitioners. The Data Analytics package generates graphical performance measures used to improve traffic and transit operations. Highlights of the Transit Data Analytics tools include:

  • Comparing transit travel-time measurement before and after Transit Signal Priority (TSP) deployment.
  • Estimating signalized-intersection delay experience by transit and general traffic.
  • Quantifying the amount of TSP to be applied on specific corridors.
  • Reviewing the impact on general traffic due to TSP.
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Automatic Transfer of Activity Logs at Bus Garage

Automatic Logs & Updates

The EMTRAC Interrogator System enables transit agencies to automatically download activity logs from—and upload firmware and database updates to—equipped vehicles.

The EMTRAC Interrogator System can be used at bus garages, rail operations centers, maintenance facilities, as well as other locations.

As equipped vehicles return to garages, the EMTRAC Interrogator System utilizes secure frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio to download activity logs from onboard EMTRAC units. This data is forwarded to a server running the EMTRAC Central Monitor software, where the data is accessed by authorized personnel.

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1. Wright, Lloyd, and Walter Hook. The BRT Planning Guide. New York: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2007.
2. “What Is BRT?” Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. ITDP, Web. 6 Aug. 2015.

Rail Transit

Positive Train Control (PTC) for Rail Transit

Transit rail vehicles are also able to utilize the EMTRAC system to enhance schedule efficiency and improve safety. In addition to signal priority, equipped agencies are able to implement key Positive Train Control (PTC) functions, including Overspeed Protection, Collision Avoidance, Wayside Worker Alerts, and Stop-Bar Overrun Alerts—using standard EMTRAC equipment.

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EMTRAC System video demonstrations of EMTRAC System capabilities, including Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), Transit Signal Priority (TSP), transit rail safety, vehicle detection, and signal management.

Intelligent Signal Management  -  1:13