EMTRAC Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Cities face a number of challenges when implementing ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) technology. Even the most forward-looking municipalities must navigate the imposing scale of employing ITS functionality. The EMTRAC system provides key ITS elements, which it can deliver through a number of protocols and means, including FHSS radio, cellular, NTCIP, DSRC (dedicated short-range communications), J1708/J1939, and SDLC.

Functionality provided by the EMTRAC system includes adaptive TSP (Transit Signal Priority), Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), real-time AVL (automatic vehicle location), accurate vehicle detection (including bicycles and motorcycles), pedestrian-crossing access, transit rail-vehicle and rail-worker safety, and more.

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The Traffic Center System

Viewing the Cabinet Status module of the Traffic Center system

The Traffic Center System

A large part of an intelligent traffic system is knowing the current status of your traffic equipment—and being able to respond to issues remotely whenever possible. The Traffic Center system allows traffic personnel to do just that, whether the city has an advanced traffic management center or just a single workstation.

The Traffic Center system includes a number of service modules, each providing information for a different part of the traffic system. These modules enables cities to efficiently increase their ITS capabilities by integrating the system in the areas it’s needed most. Additional modules may then be added to expand ITS functions.

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Bicycle and Motorcycle Detection

Bicycle Detection App with Custom Advertisement

Bicycle and Motorcycle Detection

As cities have improved and expanded their bicycle infrastructure during the past 20 years, traffic departments have found themselves continually seeking to solve a historically difficult problem—detecting and responding to bicycles at intersections.

Known for its accuracy and reliability in detecting transit and first-response vehicles throughout North America, the EMTRAC system now utilizes its patented technology to offer a non-intrusive bicycle-detection system.

The EMTRAC Bicycle Detection System includes a mobile-device app to help deliver accurate bicycle detection. The app recognizes when the cyclist is within a pre-defined detection zone and notifies the traffic controller via NTCIP or cabinet-mounted Priority Detector.

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Pedestrian Detection & Signaling

Pedestrian Accessibility

Pedestrian Detection & Signaling

While the number of traffic fatalities has decreased in the past ten years, the number of pedestrian fatalities has actually increased—highlighting an area of where significant improvement can be made. Additionally, the majority of pedestrian fatalities occur at non-intersections (71%) versus intersections with pedestrian crossings (19%).

The EMTRAC System provides a non-intrusive way to enhance your pedestrian signaling systems and to encourage crosswalk usage—both key elements for increasing safety and accessibility.

The EMTRAC System does not require costly intersection-hardware installation and can utilize NTCIP 1211 protocol standards to enable communication with traffic controllers. As cities strive to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), many intersections still fall short.

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Municipal Vehicle Signal Priority

The EMTRAC system utilizes reliable GPS technology and secure frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio to enable municipal vehicles to request priority through signalized intersections.

Vehicles with the EMTRAC system transmit a priority request to equipped intersections when passing through geographic detection zones. The intersection-control cabinet contains an EMTRAC Priority Detector, which relays the priority-request to the signal controller.

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Track Vehicle Progress & Material Levels


EMTRAC System video demonstrations of EMTRAC System capabilities, including Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), Transit Signal Priority (TSP), transit rail safety, vehicle detection, and signal management.

Intelligent Signal Management  -  1:13